Summer: Set on the banks of the Kennebec River you will find Hallowell. This antique town is filled with unique shops, great antiques, restaurants and art galleries. This town has a rich historic past that lifelong members of the community celebrate with pride.Benjamin Hallowell settled here in 1620 straight from Boston. The historical mansions that line the street are a testament to the way life was in the early days of Hallowell’s beginnings.Each July, the town celebrates their hertiage with an ecletic blend of musicians, artisians and entertainment known as Old Hallowell Days. The celebration is kicked off with a cribbage tournamnet at one of the town’s longest standing businesses, The Wharf. Attendees can enjoy live music and entertainment at this well known establishment as well as a cold beer and interesting company.There is a road race, a parade for the kids and a great fireworks on the last night of the celebration. Hallowell has an “Old World” village feel and Old Hallowell Days is a sure bet if you are looking for a great way to spend some time getting to know one of the Kennebec River’s gem of a town.