Fall: Looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon, why not attend a local football game. Whether you choose a local high school team or decide to go see our very own Maine Black Bears you are sure to have fun. Most weekend game schedules can be found in the local sports section or on-line and it’s a great way to spend a day with friends. While you are at it make it an authentic tail gating event by packing the cooler and setting up in the parking lot for a pre-game celebration. It is fun to attend you high school homecoming game. Call some of your classmates and make it a mini reunion and celebrate in those school colors. It is sure to bring you back to the day and a great way to catch up with people you haven’t seen in awhile. Tail gate parties are as easy as sandwiches or can be as elaborate as rolling out the grill off the truck bed and setting up the food tent. Either way, between the friends, food and game you are sure to enjoy the day.